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EC April 6-April 10

Writer's picture: leanna741leanna741

I hope you guys were able to play some of the games last week and that the little ones were able to get out some energy while learning new skills. Here are some new games for you to practice this week!

Number Hopscotch

With chalk, write numbers in an ascending vertical column, starting with 1, and going up as high as you would like. Here is an example:

... (etc. to whatever number you want)






Your child will then start at 1 (your child here)

Then, you will call a number, and your child must hop on each number to get to the one called out. You can have the child bunny hop on two legs, hop on one leg, do frog hops, whatever you would like!

This can be turned into a math game as well! For example, you can call out 2+3 and have your child jump twice to number 2, then have them count three more jumps up the number ladder. After completing the 3 additional jumps, they will see that they have landed on number 5, so 2+3=5.


Stationary Twister

In stationary twister, the child is in the middle of four dots, each a different color. This can be done with pieces of paper or chalk. You can then call a color, and then a limb (Right Hand, Left Hand, Right Foot, Left Foot). This can help the kiddos develop balance, coordination and body awareness. Here is a link to a Twister spinner if you would like to use that instead. Have fun!

And here's a video explaining how to play!


Head Shoulders Knees Ball

This game requires a small ball or object, which is placed at the child's feet. Then you will call out body parts, and the child will touch that part of their body with both hands. When you call out "ball", they then put both hands on the ball. This is a fun way to get the kids to think and try to trick them with the timing of when you say "ball". Remember, it doesn't only have to be head shoulder knees and toes- you can also call elbows, hips, back, neck, whatever you want. Get creative! This can also be a competition between two people of who can grab the ball first when it is called.

Here's a tutorial on how to play!


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